Why We Are in Love with an Organized Closet

I gave a presentation a few years ago at a mom’s conference in Dallas.  In my presentation, I gave the audience the choice of what areas they wanted me to speak about: playroom, panty, or closet.  In my head, I thought for sure the playroom would be the clear winner and practiced it over and over.

Much to my surprise, the standing room only audience decided to talk about closets.  So they got me thinking, I wonder why?  Once I got to really thinking about the reason behind the why, it became crystal clear to me. 

Mom’s are always doing for others.  They take 15 minutes at the end of each day to tidy up the kitchen area and put all the toys away for the family.  However, Moms will hardly ever take even 15 minutes for self care.  They will dedicate an entire Saturday to driving kids around to every single sporting event in the city, leaving no time to dedicate to organizing and creating systems in their own closets. 

Therefore, I wanted to spread some love this Valentine’s to all the mom’s out there who are struggling to find the black pants they swore were in the closet or the missing left wedge they can’t find anywhere.

Here are 3 simple tips, products we love to set up the closet so that it is as easy as grab, go every morning and the closet is a place you want to hang out, rather than open the door quickly and shut just as fast so nothing falls out.  

1) Slim-line hangers are worth the hype!  They not only add a uniformed look to the closet, but they also save space!

2) Bin Clips-it is really important to contain all the loose items in your closet, from accessories, purses, hats, etc.  We are a huge fan of acrylic bins, but regardless of the bin, basket you choose a bin clip to label all items is a must have!  This takes the thinking out of putting items away because all items have a clearly defined home.

3) Declutter-this sounds so basic, like declutter, blah blah blah.  The best route to decluttering a closet is taking everything out of the closet and categorizing all items.  The chances of you realizing you had something you totally forgot about are high to very high.  

Do you truly need 10 pairs of work pants that range in size from 2-12?  You may not even need work pants at all anymore as a lot of us are able to dress down a bit more now, especially if you can work from home.    If that is the case, maybe you keep one pair and the rest you can donate to a charity that can truly use the item, rather than collecting dust.  For the sizes, I would recommend trying on blindly and picking the pair that make you look and feel the best.  No one knows what size you wear, and I don’t think they care, as long as you are comfortable and feel great!  Another note in decluttering that will come as a shock to many…it is much easier to find an outfit to wear every morning!  

So, let’s show ourselves some love this Valentine’s and dedicate time to organize the closet that is the first area you see every morning and can set the tone for the day.  

Momming isn’t easy, we get it!  We truly believe an organized closet makes a happy Mom.  

To make it even easier for the mom in your life to get an organized space, let us do it for her.  We have gift certificates to share the love!