Tips to Organize Closet

The last few days of nonstop rain and gray has got me dreaming of Spring!  Not only do I love the warmer weather, but I am also obsessed with breaking out brighter color clothes.  

While it is still cold outside, the best way to plan, prep, and dream of Spring is to declutter your closet.  How are you supposed to make way for new Spring clothes if you don’t get rid of the old items that no longer make you feel like a complete baller?  


Below are a few DIY tips to organize your closet:

 1) Vision: What is your vision for your closet and how do you want it to look?  Get inspired and look through Pinterest or Instagram to have a clear vision of what you want the end result to look like.

2) Mindset: Less is more. It is easier to make decisions on what to wear when you are not overwhelmed.  Another benefit is you can see what you have in the space and don’t need to dig. 

3) Donations: Pick a charity of your choice.  This allows you to visualize that your items are going to a new home of someone who truly needs it, making it easier for you to let it go.

4) Commitment: Pick a designated time to get it done and go all in.  This is a day without distractions (kids, pets, work, etc..).   Have your coffee, music, dance moves on standby to power through and make it fun while you go. 

5) Make a Mess: It may look worse before it looks better.  To do any organization project 100%, take everything out of the space to see what you have and what you need.

6) Categorize: Did you know that you have approximately 10 pairs of very similar black high heels?  You may not have even noticed until you had everything in a category. Next step…Do you need all 10 pairs of those shoes?  Are there any pairs you haven’t worn in over a year? If so, time to let it go.

7) Making Tough Decisions: You may need to ask yourself some really hard questions as to why you are hanging on to certain items you know you will never wear.  Be honest with yourself and if it is time to let it go, know someone from your favorite charity will love it and wear it often.

8) Create a System: Once you have decided what to keep, discard, or donate…time to put everything back into the closet.  Keep items in categories and make the placement of items easy to maintain your hard work for months to come, even as life gets crazy!

9) Shopping Time: Once you know what you have decided to keep, do you need any tools to help maintain an organized closet?  Create a plan and budget before going shopping and stay focused. 

10) Enjoy: Sit in your closet, grab a glass of wine, give yourself a huge high-five and enjoy all of your hard work.  Your vision has now become reality, what a great feeling! 

Amanda Mulvene is serving up all the spring feels! This is just a glimpse into the new arrivals at:

Amanda Mulvene is serving up all the spring feels! This is just a glimpse into the new arrivals at:

Get those Spring and summer clothes ready!  Winter may be dragging on and on, but I am looking forward to seeing the sun and rocking my pastel colors nonstop!